Carrión de los Condes 12.9 miles
We did get our early start this morning and we took the alternate route to Carrion. It was very a pleasant route along the river and it was pretty shaded and cool for at least the first 8.5 miles. We had one last stop about 3 miles before our destination, which was in the open and very sunny. When it’s 70 degrees it feels a little warmer in the direct sun. Luckily I did not melt.
We arrived in Carrion just a little after noon which was so nice. We had time to relax and shower. We had our early dinner at 3 pm and we walked to the grocery store.
Right around the corner was the and the convent of Santa Clara, founded in the 13th century where the nuns make pastries. We could not find the store which is most likely in the Museum which was closed for the daily siesta.
We walked through the park, over the bridge of the Rio Carrion to the the monastery of San Zoilo, an old refuge for pilgrims that began in the 10th century,
We had a special and beautiful pilgrim Mass in the IGLESIA DE SANTA MARÍA DEL CAMINO with special music from Augustian nuns and a special blessing for the many Pilgrims in attendance.
These are the famous nuns.
The church was built in the mid-twelfth century as a tribute to the Virgin of Victories, for victory over Muslims and the release of 100 girls who were going to be delivered to Miramamolín. This dedication was the reason why the church was originally known as Santa María de las Victorias, however, being located next to the Jacobean route, people began calling it and making it known under the name of Santa María del Camino. (From the Google).
We are gearing up for about 18 miles tomorrow (probably +1 or 2 but hopefully not) and a 6:45 am start. It will be very open with no shade with few places to stop. We figured we would conquer early so that we are not walking long in the hot sun.