Category: Travel Post

Muxia 17 mile taxi ride

We are coming to the end this amazing journey through Spain. Per our guidebook, Muxía (pop. 4,596) is built on a narrow neck of land pointing north into the Atlantic. One side holds a...

Part Two Santiago.

We enjoyed our day in Santiago. I could bore y’all with the history of Santiago but I won’t so please go to the Google and read about it if you’re interested in Saint James...

Santiago de Compostela 7.8 miles

I actually have tears in my eyes writing this post. I have no plans to get emotional here but I truly cannot believe that our journey to Santiago is complete. I’m sitting inside the...

O Pedrouzo (O Pino) 16.9 miles

We were supposed to walk 12 miles to O Pino. Kathryn came up with the brilliant idea to walk 5 extra miles today to make our walk into Santiago tomorrow only 7 miles. We...

Arzua 18.5 miles

We left Palas del Rei about 645 am. We could see an almost full moon when we woke up. Today was again perfect walking weather with the sun partly shining. Even though it was...

Palas del Rei 16.5 miles

Today is our 31st day of walking with 3 more days to go to Santiago de Compostela. I thought today’s hike was amazing. We started out with fog and then the sun came out...

Portomarín 14 miles

I loved today. We had amazing weather. It was perfectly chilly with the sun shining pretty much all day and all afternoon. The warmth was quite welcomed. The hike today of “rolling hills” had...

Sarria 11.7 miles

+ over a mile to get lunch lol but who’s counting? I loved today even though the forecast said zero rain and also said it would be 68 F in Sarria. Remember when I...