Sarria 11.7 miles

+ over a mile to get lunch lol but who’s counting?

I loved today even though the forecast said zero rain and also said it would be 68 F in Sarria. Remember when I said we take whatever the Camino gives us? Today we got fog and rain and 50s. It was still drizzling when we arrived in Sarria.

The hike today was “rolling hills” with a total altitude gain of over 1000 feet. The scenery was very beautiful once again, mostly walking on decent paths through beautiful forestry.

Sarria is very big so we had a long urban hike to get to our home for the night. We quickly ventured out to get food then we walked through the historical part of town. For the first time we are not staying in the historical section. We are just a little over a half of mile away. However, we are so far west on the trail so that’s a good thing for our journey tomorrow.

When walking out of Triacastela, you can take the alternative route to Samos. Sámanos, means “place of monks.” This is where an old monastery is. It would have added 4 miles to today’s route so we decided to get settled in our room, shower and we then taxied back to Samos to check out the famous monastery and go the the Peregrino Mass at 7:30 pm. YOLO.

The Monastery tour was lead by a brother who only spoke Spanish so unfortunately, I didn’t understand the tour but I did take a lot of photos of the beautiful Monastery.

We are hoping for some sunshine for tomorrow’s walk and I’ll let y’all know how many pilgrims are on the trail as promised.

How could I forget to say we hit our 400 mile mark in today’s journey!

Beautiful scenery this morning
Cool art gallery, local art by “Art”
Farming hamlet of Fontearcuda (pop. 1), which sporadically hosts a donation-based makeshift lounge and food bar, set into a dilapidated old barn in the middle of the village
Yes I had to use this facility lol
Gorgeous countryside
Lone cow but tons more on the route
Curious donkeys
400 mile celebratory photo
Sarria in the distance
Walking into Sarria
Historical section of town
Do you see the bird on his crown
Our home tonight
This is actually after the tour. It was pouring down rain when we arrived
Lots of murals
Check it out Renee and Lisa
The altar
That’s all folks

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